Debunking common disadvantages

Feedback to disadvantage's

I think it's important to start out that not all disadvantage's can be fixed or debunked. No system is perfect and there will always be issues. However dwindling these problems down to smaller ones can be done.

When it comes to political, economic, and environmental instability most people don't realize the real reason these things happen. The majority of the time it's on the Supply Chain not being structured properly. Or having a built in plan in place for when things like this occur. Being able to stay on your feet and pivot when different things like this happen is part of SC responsibility.

When you struggle with communication others speaking different languages it shouldn't be a problem in today's day and age. If you don't have a translator there are a ton of apps that can help you understand what others are saying. Also when hiring company's like to look for people who are diverse in other languages for dealing with deals from other non English countries.

Being prepared for harder levels and more expertise in your supply chain should be common place, You should commonly be searching for better and better workers and giving incentives to employees who go above and beyond. I think it's important to look months if not years ahead of time and be ready for what is to come.

Finally, when it comes to different laws and regulations I find it common sense to know what they are. If your job is to be dealing with these people you should know what standards and laws state.

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